
Informatics for All is a coalition whose aim is to establish informatics as a fundamental discipline to be taken by all students in school. Informatics should be seen as important as mathematics, the sciences, and the various languages. It should be recognized by all as a truly foundational discipline that plays a significant role in education for the 21st century.

The Informatics for All coalition was formed in 2018 by the joint efforts of the ACM Europe Council, the CEPIS Education Committee, and Informatics Europe. IFIP joined in 2020. These organizations all share a common concern about the state of informatics education throughout Europe, and are committed to stimulating activity that will lead to significant improvement.

The Informatics for All initiative deploys a two-tier strategy at all educational levels: informatics as an area of specialization, that is, a fundamental and independent subject in school; and the integration of informatics with other school subjects, as well as with study programs in higher education.

All students – regardless of their special interest, area of expertise, and future profession – need to be educated in informatics and apply those knowledge and skills as an integrated competence in all subjects and professions. In so doing, they must ensure that technological development is directed towards the achievement of a better, safer, fairer, and more just society.