Curricular Documents

The creation, development and implementation of curricula are the responsibility of each individual country or educational area. It is natural to expect that there will be variations between the different regimes. However, the Coalition wants to stress that there is no wish to have feelings of isolation but rather to support interested parties as they strive with the associated challenges. There is great potential and strength in diversity and in using different approaches from which to learn. One aspect of Coalition activity is to create forums whereby sharing of ideas can occur.

The development of appropriate curricula is not straightforward. Curricula documents ought to spam all years of the school system. The basic discipline has to be addressed and ways of thinking identified, developed and nurtured. One aspect of this is developing strands of computational thinking in a way that suits different stages of school education. The curriculum needs to be outward facing in the sense that it takes into account how Informatics will support other disciplines but also, and very importantly, that it places a very high premium on the motivation of pupils. There are various approaches to the latter including drawing attention to a range of exciting applications, stressing the role of Informatics in innovation and even mentioning machine learning and cyber security and the implications of such developments for the future of work.

List of Relevant Curriculum Initiatives (Sample List, to be updated and completed)